Saturday, November 07, 2009

My Supposed Project planning (if all goes well)

       Above is a draft project planning of the FYP 2 for this sem. If all goes well that is. Depending on where I am, what I do and certain circumstances, the flow may change accordingly.

 Will try to keep last minute work at bay as well as other distractions...minus Wushu though (the topic I chose is still Wushu or the beauty of Wushu).

 The reason I chose 'Wushu' as a topic would be:
 - Interest
 - The values recieved from experience (the family feel and bonding between members)
 - To show the good side of Wushu (most people do not want to join Wushu as the training could get pretty harsh depending on the occassion and the style)

  Other reasons:

     As seen in the videos below, would be some of the examples of the performances done by MMU Cyberjaya Wushu Club. Sure the quality of our performances aren't as good as the other Universities, but at least we try and enjoy ourselves. As a fellow member and senior in the club, I care about all the members as if they were my own family almost a little too much at times, though I may not be as agile or quick to learn as the rest of the members.

  That would be all for now,
 Ja ne & Oyasumi/ Ohaiyo *yawn*

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